Sunday, January 9, 2011

You Here Now

You here now,
the one I feared would never come-
do not be shy.

Yes, our youthful beauty
was not ours to share,
But my embrace is no less full.
The seasoned selves we offer
have exquisite gifts
our younger versions had
only as potential.
The bud is lovely,
but nothing pleases more
than the full blossomed rose.
The beauty of that rose
is still in the wisdom
of the rose whose
first petals wilt and fall.
I see you look at the petals
on the table top
and know how well
you comprenend their meaning.

Needless are comparisons
to other times and selves,
All are here.
The sweet, subtle scent of each
are breathed in every smell I take of you.
All of them make
appearances still in your face.
The body I run my hands up and down
has the power to inflame me
with my most expansive desire.
All of the world I hold
when you I fold in my arms.

You here now,
the one I feared would never come-
Do not be shy.

January 9, 2011