Genetic disruptions,
the discharge of madness-
Unforeseen anomalies.
Photographic evidence
of Bikini atoll
atomic blast-
The young men
protected by
later ravaged
by decimating
The crown of the head
of an Iraqi neonate,
deformed by
depleted uranium
tipped ammunition.
Ignorance and awareness,
Cosmic gestalts-
the bent of the mind,
the tyranny of consciousness
horrors from the id.
My future faced propulsion
into a collapsing Universe.
And the realm of Faery?
Love's redemptive power?
My responsibility
in Everything-
Always yes, Yes, YES
in louder
more desperate
The circle around
the Yin/Yang.
The human race
to oblivion
or transformation.
Each of our part
in Everything-
Stay focused
on the highest possible
as Assassins
follow orders.
Bleed throughs
from other
the eddies,
the Whirlpool,
being sucked down
into a wormhole
to Atlantis.
Sisyphus's rock
while I roll
the dice.
Rolling the dice
The chances,
the changes
Under examined.
The relentless march,
the Joyful Journey
And us,
each of us-
casting our lot,
deciding our Fate
the Cumulus Nimbus
of Being.