Friday, January 14, 2011
the discharge of madness-
Unforeseen anomalies.
Photographic evidence
of Bikini atoll
atomic blast-
The young men
protected by
later ravaged
by decimating
The crown of the head
of an Iraqi neonate,
deformed by
depleted uranium
tipped ammunition.
Ignorance and awareness,
Cosmic gestalts-
the bent of the mind,
the tyranny of consciousness
horrors from the id.
My future faced propulsion
into a collapsing Universe.
And the realm of Faery?
Love's redemptive power?
My responsibility
in Everything-
Always yes, Yes, YES
in louder
more desperate
The circle around
the Yin/Yang.
The human race
to oblivion
or transformation.
Each of our part
in Everything-
Stay focused
on the highest possible
as Assassins
follow orders.
Bleed throughs
from other
the eddies,
the Whirlpool,
being sucked down
into a wormhole
to Atlantis.
Sisyphus's rock
while I roll
the dice.
Rolling the dice
The chances,
the changes
Under examined.
The relentless march,
the Joyful Journey
And us,
each of us-
casting our lot,
deciding our Fate
the Cumulus Nimbus
of Being.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sawgrass Lake
When we were boys
we would play capture the flag there,
Or go climbing up the vines
that made a net up and over the trees.
The cow spiders lived there and
every so often you would
confront a web before your face,
with a large spider in the center,
Suddenly you were pumping adrenaline
and your heart was racing.
When we were boys
Sawgrass Lake was forbidden territory
(all the really fun places were,)
but most afternoon we were there.
Although I had my solitary times-
I’d walk to the lake on paths
covered with fallen rust colored pine needles.
Occasionally I’d be startled and terrified
by one of the large black hissers
essing its way across my path.
It was a personal archeological excavation.
The path ended in a protected clearing
where there was a discarded mattress,
several empty beer bottles -
and used condoms.
Relics of primal behavior,
My imagination would be piqued-
And sometimes I would make a detour on the way home
to a place I knew under the vine covered trees.
I can still see the mottled light
that filtered through the vines and leaves,
making a natural cathedral of the spot,
a place sacred and holy.
where I would kneel
and leave something of myself,
A sacrifice to the Mystery
that had inflamed my soul.
Years later when I returned home on a visit,
I discovered the county
had preserved Sawgrass Lake,
turned it into an environmental park.
I like to think my earlier pilgrimages there,
and my personal consecration of the earth
had something to do with this.
I still go there,
now that I have returned home,
and remember those times.
Sometimes I can hear our shouts
and see us scampering
through the jungle,
savages on the hunt.
Now there is a wooden boardwalk
that takes you to a lookout tower
so you can view the lake.
No mattresses,
empty beer bottles,
or used condums
That I can see.
It was really a tract of undeveloped land
Between two residential neighborhoods,
Meadowlawn and Fairview Estates,
Names more apt
before the construction
of hundreds of uniform
pastel colored,
Sparklecrete homes
with television antennaes
Like crucifixes,
attached to the side.
I thought,
when the interstate was built
it was doomed,
But only further tamed,
Civilization’s progress
concession to all
it had destroyed.
A last of prehistoric Florida,
A concentration camp
For the native wildlife
And for me
still sacred and
Like most holy sites-
Miraculous and horrifying.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
You Here Now
the one I feared would never come-
do not be shy.
Yes, our youthful beauty
was not ours to share,
But my embrace is no less full.
The seasoned selves we offer
have exquisite gifts
our younger versions had
only as potential.
The bud is lovely,
but nothing pleases more
than the full blossomed rose.
The beauty of that rose
is still in the wisdom
of the rose whose
first petals wilt and fall.
I see you look at the petals
on the table top
and know how well
you comprenend their meaning.
Needless are comparisons
to other times and selves,
All are here.
The sweet, subtle scent of each
are breathed in every smell I take of you.
All of them make
appearances still in your face.
The body I run my hands up and down
has the power to inflame me
with my most expansive desire.
All of the world I hold
when you I fold in my arms.
You here now,
the one I feared would never come-
Do not be shy.
January 9, 2011