Friday, November 19, 2010

For J

When you came into my world
I knew your face
like my own in a mirror,
so familiar and yet
so strange.
When we embraced
I knew my arms
were meant to hold you.
I don't know what
we can do about the
People with cardboard
signs on the street corner
Usually at the on and off ramps
of an Expressway.
When we meet their eyes
what do they think of us?
Is Haiti fully recovered?
What star supernovaed last night?
When you shyly offered your kiss
was it wrong of me
to take it
and value it
Above everything else?
Should I have refused
the kiss, my joy
until none were hungry?
And yet,
More with you than anyone
am I certain that if we
can do anything
for the people with the cardboard signs
and for people hungry everywhere-
Now having met, embraced and
If we can do anything
more than ever
We will.

February 2010