Friday, November 19, 2010

For Christopher Isherwood

With all due respect
I am not a camera
And I am certain
in time your Guru
made you see this.
In time we are caught
and we are the photographer.
We know the tree
in the camera is
part of a forest.
Even more,
I am aware of the
Photographer being
on a planet,
in a galaxy.
I even sense
the Photographer
outside of time.
Yes, the complex
in the mirror
Still holds
the child I am always
And the corpse
I become.
With my eyes closed
Time is gone.
Yet I am here
in an inner space
that mirrors
the outer space
with the planet
and the galaxy.
The Universe
runs through me
Like Blake's etchings
All is an organic whole
And I and the All
are never separate
Even while,
or more so-
As I press
and take
a picture
of a tree.

February 2010